Six Pack May

I do well with mid-length goals and have found that 30 day challenges are a really nice length of time for me.  It is long enough that I really see and feel benefits without having to commit to anything too big.  It is big enough that it is work to complete (so I get to feel good afterward), but short enough that I don’t immediately start hyperventilating at the thought of agreeing to participate.

So, there is no way in hell I’ll have a six pack in 4 measly weeks, but you gotta start somewhere, right?  I’ve had this little beauty on my fridge since March and finally remembered on May 1st to start the challenge.  The days of the week don’t line up, but I’m just going by the day (3/7 = 5/7). Mr. has joined me and we are both going strong on day 7.  We even skipped the first rest day and opted to re-do the prior day’s set.

It doesn’t seem too crazy or hard at the beginning but as you look ahead and see the ramp up over such a short period of time, it gets a little intimidating.

My choice for how to do these exercises is as follows (Mr. does his own thing a little differently and incorporates a stability ball):

– Full sit ups (not crunches) with my toes tucked under some furniture for leverage

– Push ups from the knees because neither my busted ankle nor my old volleyball/car accident shoulder injury like the full ones

– Planks full-on from my toes (for now).  Once the time increases we’ll see how my ankle and shoulder hold up and I might have to drop to doing them from the knees.

I’d be lying if I said the push ups were easy.  Well, I’d be lying if I said any of it was easy.  But that’s the point, right?  If this shit was easy, I’d already be doing it every day!

Props to for their awesome collection of blog posts, challenges, recipes and more! Check ’em out!