December Recap

A powerful month. Having reached many goals before December, I decided to raise the bars to challenge myself further. I was within 20 miles of my original goal of 365 miles in 2015 so set a new goal to reach 400 miles.

Inspired by the streaking success of MT, I just tried to get out as often as possible and run (usually at least 3 miles). I spent 10 days in the midwest for the holidays and got out for several delightful runs on both familiar and new streets and trails. I reached 400 miles by Christmas Eve and didn’t bother looking back.


I looked at my totals on Dec 30th after my run and realized I could make it to 75 miles in the month of December if I ran 7.5 miles on New Years Eve. The whole thing felt auspicious and I couldn’t resist. The run was long and cold but was so amazing. At certain parts I focused so intently on my feet and my breathing the world seemed to melt away. At other parts I reflected and thought about my year and my future and barely noticed as the sidewalk moved under me.  75 miles in a month is most certainly a record for me, and one that gives me obscene amounts of courage and inspiration.

2016 is going to be remarkable. I can feel it.

November Recap

November was a good month for my running. 47.1 miles and a drop in my average pace. As you can see from the details below, I didn’t run the first week of November. My motivation was nil, my energy and health were poor… but, I pulled out of the funk and hit it hard the last couple weeks.I was inspired by MT’s goal to run 3mi/day and I just tried to lace up and get out as often as possible.


November brought my yearly mileage total to 347.9. As soon as it was clear my goal of 365 was a goner, I set the new goal of making it to 400 miles! My race total came to 14 with the Fowl Fun Run.

Jingle Bell 5k – December Race Recap


To say I finished strong for the 2015 race calendar would be an understatement. MT and I ran the Skagit Valley Jingle Bell 5k in early December and wowee-wee-wah. We both PR’d AGAIN.

My time of 31:26 was almost 3 minutes faster than my previous PR. I was on fire. In addition to a nice mostly flat course, the weather was cool, and I started in the front of the pack and kept up with some speedy runners. Having PR’d in the previous two races, I was feeling motivated to push myself hard in this race and was really aiming for a PR. Whodathunkit.

You might ask yourself, as I have been, what is going on?! Well, I’ll address this in a future post so stay tuned, but let me say that I realize I’m unlikely to touch this race PR any time soon. The course was just a bit shy of an actual 5k (3.05mi by my GPS watch) but I’m not going to let that last .05 get in the way of my celebrating this achievement.  Even if the course had been correctly measured, my time would have had approximately an additional 20 seconds, which would still be a huge PR.

Now, it’s time to set new running goals for 2016! I’m pondering a few things and will let you all know as soon as I’ve decided!

Have you sent 2016 running goals yet? What are they? 


Fowl Fun Run – November Race

November 14, 2015 at the Skagit Valley Fowl Fun Run I ran another 5k PR : 34:24 – almost a full minute faster than the previous PR.

I was running on very little sleep after receiving devastating news the night before, and in crappy weather, but somehow I just zoned out and maintained an average pace just under 11mins. This was HUGE for me.

I spent the first mile just keeping my head down and trying to keep the rain out of my eyes. Once I settled into my pace and the crowd thinned a bit, I stayed on the heels of a woman who had knee high pink leopard print socks on. And next thing I knew, the race was over. She kicked into high gear at the last 50 meters or so and I couldn’t keep up with her, but following close to her the whole race gave me something to focus on.

MT, of course, ran as well but did the 10k. She also achieved an impressive PR and we both left in high spirits. Being my forever cheerleader, MT has served as continuous running (and life) inspiration to me over the years and I am immensely grateful for her friendship and encouragement. This day was particularly difficult for me to get through, and I was extra thankful to have her by my side and to have something to celebrate.

We didn’t take a picture after the race, or at least I don’t have one – so instead, here are two other pics of MT and I.

Here we are in 2013 before the Whidbey Island half marathon. This was my first half marathon which was quite the challenge. I don’t think I would have had the courage to do it without her. The weather was awful, but the day remains as an all-time favorite memory. 

2013-04-14 08.13.13

This one is a bit more recent. We went to the pumpkin patch together in October and couldn’t help but snap this selfie. 2015-10-03 11.53.55



Everyday Super Heros 5K – October Race

I busted my left ankle (the only real good one I had left, if you’re following my injury history) falling down some stairs on September 29th which was a major bummer. (It was also the least of the bummers in my life that day but that story is for another time…)

On October 10th, after taking about a week off of running to nurse my ankle, I ran the Everyday Super Heros 5k with my best running buddy, MT. It was a small crowd so we decided to start near the front of the pack rather than navigate strollers and dogs and children. This turned out to be a great strategy for me. While I certainly didn’t have negative splits on the race, my quick start pace set me up for a 5k PR of 35:18 (ok, it was seconds longer than my Whidbey race, but this race was all trails and hilly  rather than flat and pavement, so I count it).

MT’s amazing little one even ran across the finish line holding my hand. It was a good race.

Everyday Super Heros

Bellingham Bay 10k – September Race

Ok, I’m catching up here so bear with me through the following deluge!

2015-09-26 19.18.12

In September I ran the Bellingham Bay 10k. For the last several years, this race  has offered a full marathon, half marathon, and 5k, but no 10k. I’ve run the half and the 5k and was excited that they returned to offering the 10k. I knew early on in the year that I wanted to complete the 10k – even though it isn’t my favorite race distance.

bham bay

The race went great – not a PR but I kept up a good pace and felt terrific throughout. It was a perfect day – sunny and mild temps. After this race, I felt a bit more endeared toward the 10k distance.. but just a bit!

September & October Recaps

September was spent prepping for the a 10k race on Sept 27th. I enjoyed the last vestiges of summer and evenings without headlamps. I returned to work which didn’t slow down my running and I had a terrific race to cap the month. I added another 38.6 miles bringing my yearly total to 272.6, and completed my only 2015 race longer than a 5k.


October had a slow start and my consistency wasn’t as good over all, but I got out for 11 runs. I have been working through some pretty bummer life circumstances and it made it difficult to find the energy or drive get out the door. My race for the month was the Everyday Super Heros 5k and achieved a 5k race PR! Despite my low emotional and physical energy I was still able to squeeze in 28.2 miles to make for 300.8 miles total in 2015! October

August Recap

When I returned home from my trips at the end of July, I promptly got a nasty strep throat which put a huge damper in my early August Runs. I was couch/bed ridden for days and even with an antibiotic, it took a full 10 days to recover. I was immensely bummed but focused on healing and recouped thanks to the care-taking of Mr. and MT.

I searched around for an August Race I was interested in and just didn’t find one that made sense. After running two races in July (and previous months), dealing with sickness in the first weekish of Aug, and moving to a new place, I decided to not have an August race.

Aug Runs

August Totals:

  • 8 Runs
  • 25.3 miles
  • 0 Races

Year-to-date Totals:

  • 232 miles
  • 10 races (holding steady)

July Recap & July Races

July was a bit more steady in terms of running. Even on a three week vacation I managed to get in regular runs. I love running when I travel because it gives me a new way to see the location. I enjoy looking up routes, checking out local running sites, and then mapping out a place to go. I started my vacation in Anchorage where Mr. and I ran the Boondocks Breakaway 5k.  It was a memorably difficult race as we’d arrived the day before and had Opening Night festivities with friends the evening before the race.

PicMonkey Collage

The Boondocks Breakaway 5k was through wilderness on a cross country skiing track in Kincade Park. It featured rolling hills and lots of twists and turns. It was a smallish crowd of maybe 50 runners and Mr. and I were certainly in the back third. The folks were kind and I won a door prize of an awesome waterbottle! While running we saw a moose right on the side of the trail. It was my first live moose sighting – pretty nuts how huge it was and Mr. tells me it wasn’t full grown. We got in one other run on the Tony Knowles Coastal Trail while visiting and since we didn’t have a race photo (too distracted/hungover to remember to take one), we got this gem:

2015-07-14 10.55.52   After Alaska, I flew to Chicago where I got in a jaunt through my childhood neighborhood. Such fun to see the changes to the streets and houses while plodding along. My Dad’s garden was in fine summer form!

2015-07-16 09.36.54

Next, my dad and I drove to Iowa to see my sister and her family.  While there, I couldn’t pass up the Solon Beef Days 5k. Beef Days. Yup – I was cracking up when I heard about the race and it was a short drive from my sister’s house. It was quite the adjustment to run in the heat and humidity of Iowa summer. It felt like running through pudding the air was so thick and hot. My big sis was a champ and major kudos to Solon for having a rad trough. All I ever want to eat after a race now is watermelon. Perfect.

2015-07-18 09.44.47

While in Iowa my runner brother-in-law suggested a trail at Harvest Preserve.  It was a beautiful shady trail but ended up being half hike half run. There is an impressive sculpture collection at the Preserve so I kept stopping to check them out – also, I was clearly the first person there that day and had to contend with the plethora of spider webs across the trail. It was early, but hot and this pic is me with sun and sweat in my eyes.

2015-07-21 09.38.25

The final stop on my trip was the Philly area to visit my brother and sister-in-law. They live near a cool two path on the Delaware River so I made my way along that canal for a nice 5 miler while I was visiting. I tried to find a race in the area but the only options were a 45 min+ drive and I just didn’t want to loose that much time with family. The two path was half shady and nicely maintained. There were locals fishing in the canal, bikers riding by, and families walking with strollers. It was sparsely populated though so the run was quiet and beautiful.

While I am proud I continued to get some runs in while on vacation, I didn’t’ quite get in my full monthly mileage as I’d hoped. Still, I ran 24.7 miles in 5 different states and completed two more 5k races!


July Mileage: 24.7
Year-to-date Mileage: 206.7
Year-to-date Races: 10

June Recap

June began with nasty illness and the end of the academic year. This meant no time to take sick days from work combined with feeling miserable and just wanting to sleep.  Every morning when my alarm clock when off I was irate:

What started off as a rough cold turned into sinus infection and bronchitis. Needless to say, with that much chest congestion, breathing issues, and energy sapped, I was not a running machine. When I get sick like that it sinks my spirits and I get frustrated beyond belief that I cannot be doing the things I want to be doing. When I picked back up my running mid-month, I was still trying to take it a little easy on myself. I got in the June race – Camano Island Crab Dash 5k, and finished the month with 24.5 miles.  Respectable considering the circumstances.


June Mileage: 24.5
Year-to-date Mileage: 182